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2021/01/24 · Bijgewerkt door Priscilla F. Harmanus 🇳🇱

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  • "Guido van Rossum is de maker van de programmeertaal Python en heeft tien jaar aan Python gewerkt. Hij is de directeur van PythonLabs, de belangrijkste bron voor Python-expertise en -technologieën."

    "Guido van Rossum is the creator of the Python programming language, and has worked on Python for ten years. He is the Director of PythonLabs, the leading resource for Python expertise and technologies.

    Zie ook:

    Patronen ontdekken? Kom bij de politie. Datascience gebruiken? OOK POLITIEWERK | Ben jij expert in IT? Maak er politiewerk van. Zonder IT'ers zijn we nergens

    PATRONEN ONTDEKKEN - EXPERT IN IT - POLITIEWERK - PYTHON - GUIDO VAN ROSSUM - GPL - EBEM MOGLEM (Software Freedom Law Center) - Copyleft - RICHARD M STALLMAN (RMS) - The Free Software Foundation (FSF) - Linuxinsider insidernews - GPL INCOMPATIBILITY - PYTHON SOFTWARE LICENSE - The Phyton Foundation - Mailing list - Guido van Rossum - the Python (Computer Language) - 


  • Producer Ton Roosendaal https://www.blender.org/ https://orange.blender.org/theteam/ Ton is the producer of Elephants Dream, responsible for planning, overall coordination and “big picture” decisions. He is the original creator of Blender and the chairman of the Blender Foundation. Ton was also the lead software developer for the project. (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

  • Bron

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Bijgewerkt door — Priscilla F. Harmanus

Home » Digitale overheid » Actueel » Onderwerpen » Bijdrage » Contact

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People ~

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  • Dirk-Willem van Gulik 👁 Dirk-Wiǁem van Gulik on Twitter: "Open Source Communities are now part of the Ruling Class: the Official Dutch Corona website https://t.co/Wjg8N7Zey9 was developed on github & the minister of public health himself just did the commit for it to go into production !… https://t.co/YyrxCMQiIJ"  Twitter 2020/07/17 » Europese Commissie (EC) op Twitter » OSOR community on Twitter: "#OSSbeyond2020 @s_bergmann @bzg2 @Open_Sourcing @fkarlitschek @cdaffara and Dirk-Willem van Gulik are currently debating solutions to issues related to sources and types of funding of #OSScommunities https://t.co/k3tfBrH4Gg" / Twitter 2019/11/14 » ASF-Holland-Open-May-2005.pdf » http://people.apache.org/~dirkx/ASF-Holland-Open-May-2005.pdf
  • Eben Moglen
  • Jelle Prins Worked on the first apps for Uber, Booking.com, CataWiki and many others. Source Twitter - Joined October 2008 » Jelle Prins on Twitter: “🇳🇱 Onze overheid heeft mij gevraagd te adviseren bij het ontwerp van de traceer-app. Ik was van plan vrij te nemen na Uber, maar vaderland roept. Een hele eer.” / Twitter · 2020/05/07 · “Ik ben ook blij dat de overheid dit zo open oppakt en niet alleen mijn advies vraagt, maar ook iedereen laat meekijken. Ook denk ik dat het heel goed is dat er niet op 1 paard wordt gewed (traceer-app), maar dat er meerdere oplossingen onderzocht zullen worden.”
    36 replies 5 retweets 82 likes

  • Richard M. Stallman 📜 Invented Copyleft » Father of the Free Software movement » Author of the GNU General Public License (GPL) and founder of the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
  • Wouter P.J Wils - Europese Unie - Europa EU

  • Brian Behlendorf - Apache HTTP Server - Fork (software development) - GPL
    Brian Behlendorf - The Apache Software Foundation - Dirk-Willem van Gulik - Europese Commissie (EC) - JoinUp - Enisa
    Apache.org - Board of director/members - Brian Behlendorf & Dirk-Willem van Gulik 2000 ....
    Revolution OS 2001 - Brian Behlendorf... Richard Stallman... Linus Torvalds... Bill Gates... Open source free software gnu/linux etc...
    For Brian Behlendorf GPL Compatibility important (Free en open source license)
    Apache 2.0 De GNU General Public License versus GPLv3 - Free software foundation en Apache working together - Copyleft - Permissive - to be continued

Note: At the moment the Category scheme is under construction (so it is not yet definitive) and it will serve as the baseline to refer to from the discussion page.You can contribute, but please get agreement for any non-trivial changes on the talk page FIRST.

  • https://blog.mariadb.org/mysql-cloud-database-solutions-days-with-monty-widenius-the-father-of-the-mysql-mariadb-databases/
  • https://web.archive.org/web/20200927155928/https://mariadb.org/mysql-cloud-database-solutions-days-with-monty-widenius-the-father-of-the-mysql-mariadb-databases/
  • http://planet.mysql.com/?tag_search=2073

Monty Michael Widenius the “father of the MySQL® & MariaDB databases

Ton is the producer of Elephants Dream, responsible for planning, overall coordination and “big picture” decisions. He is the original creator of Blender and the chairman of the Blender Foundation. Ton was also the lead software developer for the project. (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

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Rop Gonggrijp on Twitter: "#Diginotar : pls ignore browser warnings, there is a 99.9% chance the Diginotar certificate is just fine. http://t.co/e2GWar4"

Ton is the producer of Elephants Dream, responsible for planning, overall coordination and “big picture” decisions. He is the original creator of Blender and the chairman of the Blender Foundation. Ton was also the lead software developer for the project. (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

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